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Social Network : a Privileged Channel for the Recruitment

Social media have been a driving force for the rapid transformation of the personal and professional use of the Internet.

At the same time it changed the way of conceiving the work of the people 50 years ago, the employees ” dreamed ” of working for a company all his life.

In 2006, according to a survey, the average worker had 10.8 Employers over a lifetime work , compared to 4 in 1960 and the current generation is expected to rise to an altitude of 14.

In this scenario, characterized by a constantly moving job search, social media represent a privileged way for candidates and companies to digitize references itself on the market conducting research, needs to advertise and get in touch with those who have common interests and objectives .

A social survey indicates that social networks have become an important channel of recruitment for U.S. companies, with 83% currently using or plan to use social media for recruitment.

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The growth of Facebook and Twitter

In the first year in which the survey was conducted, LinkedIn was used by recruiters as a favorite channel, while Facebook and Twitter were not included as networks used for recruitment.

This year , LinkedIn continues to maintain its leadership but there is at the same time the growth in the adoption of multiple networks : Facebook since last year grew by 15 % and the use of Twitter has increased by 32%.

Currently , LinkedIn is used by 78 % of recruiters, Facebook and Twitter by 55% from 45% .


Advances the Interim

In perspective , social networks are designed to exceed all other channels regarding planned investments by the companies : 46% plan to spend more in social recruiting than before and 38% are willing to resort to a lesser extent to specialized companies in recruitment.

But not only that , 92% of companies using the ” temporary ” form will make use of social networks.

In addition, 50% of temporary agency plans to invest more in social recruiting, while on the job board ( interactive online message boards – ed) , only 17% of the agencies will spend more and 36% less.



In conclusion, social media is becoming a useful tool used from companies of all sizes in order to find the perfect candidate for that particular position.

So if you want to be recruited via internet, you need to be sure to have a clean internet reputation!


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