Things To Consider When Retrofitting a Commercial Space

Just as with residential properties, sometimes the ideal commercial space only exists after you put in some elbow grease. When looking for a space to do business or lease to others, you need to make some much-needed retrofits to realize the commercial space of your dreams. When it comes to making improvements, not all approaches have the same benefit. Think about these factors in your planning.


Modernizing Your Space

Some fixtures and finishes can really date a space. Brass banisters on staircases may take you back to the 1980s and not in a good way! Commercial spaces that are modern in style appeal to the people who will be working there. Give careful consideration to interior colors as well as layouts that are conducive to productivity and creativity.


Prioritizing Accessibility

Accessibility should be an important objective for any commercial building, new or remodeled. Creating accessible features or improving on existing ones should be part of your plan. You don’t want a space that is difficult to reach or move around in for people with disabilities. Consult an elevator service company or a provider of escalators to accommodate transport between floors. Having wheelchair-accessible features in bathrooms and public spaces are also key.


Incorporating Sustainability

Another goal for your commercial building should be the inclusion of eco-friendly features. This can range from energy- and resource-saving features such as smart lights and toilets to design elements that improve interior air quality. While a full green building retrofit may be beyond your scope and budget, it’s worth looking into small changes that lead to big impacts.

Depending on your needs, sometimes brand new and existing commercial buildings don’t meet your needs. The best option is to renovate a space, especially one that meets other important criteria such as location and price. You’re presented with a unique opportunity to realize the building you really want. Consider accessibility, sustainability and modernization in your planning.

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